Saturday, 28 October 2006

IX: Something in common

Whenever I talk to people, they talk back to me.
It's strange I know, but there it is, and I can't
Help but feel a truth lies hidden in this statement
That will enlighten many. It's far beyond my meagre
Powers to say much more about it, but maybe if we
Work together, you and I, we shall have some success.

Why don’t you start us off – tell me a story. Something
Simple, something truthful, something that will help me
Understand the workings of your mind. Thankyou, yes,
This is very interesting – I too was born, I can’t deny it.
I believe it happens to many of us. But this is good.
We have something great in common and it will serve us well.

Now, please, you ask me something. Ah, very good.
What do I expect for the future? Well, friend,
I suppose I hope for many things, but the one
Event of which I’m certain is that I’ll die. Oh – you
Agree? Well, this is excellent. We are not so different,
You and I! Come comrade, brother, fellow sojourner,
Let us walk arm-in-arm and talk of many things!

Sunday, 22 October 2006

VIII: Jesus is my friend

Jesus is my friend.
I took him for a walk.
We didn’t get home ‘til half past ten
And all the time we talked.

Jesus is so cool.
He knows all kinds of stuff.
I never get tired of listening to him,
He never says “that’s enough”.

Jesus could be famous.
He wants to write a book.
If only you could read it
I think you would be hooked.

Sunday, 15 October 2006

VII: So you think you're a sinner?

You think you're sinful? Huh! That's nothing.
I'm more sinful than you.

You don't speak to your neighbour?
So what? I might be nice to mine, but really
I resent him, I envy him, I hate his guts.
I want to be just like him and have his life.
If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't even smile at him.

You think you're sinful? Huh! That's nothing.
I'm more sinful than you.

You lie and manipulate to be successful?
Is that the best you can do? I might never lie,
But I always want to get my own way.
I want to crush anyone who stands in my path.
If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't be so kind.

You think you're sinful? Huh! That's nothing.
I'm more sinful than you.

You stole a bicycle from a small child?
You're an angel next to me! I might never steal,
But I dream at night of power and wealth.
I want to make people notice me and see how great I am.
If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't seem so humble.

You think you're sinful? Huh! That's nothing.
I'm more sinful than you.

You cheated on your wife? With three different women?
And you think that's bad? I might never cheat on mine,
But I have wild, unspeakable fantasies. I want to be in control
And have whoever I desire for myself.
If it wasn't for God, I wouldn't seem so loyal.

You think you're sinful? Huh! That's nothing.
I'm more sinful than you.

You killed your brother? And your friend got
Imprisoned for it? Actually, that is pretty bad,
I've never wanted to do that. But on Good Friday,
I get together with a bunch of other weirdos and
Bay for Christ's blood. Have you ever done that?
If you really want to be a sinner, you should try it.

You think you're sinful? Huh! That's nothing.
I might never have sinned, but I'm more sinful than you.

Sunday, 8 October 2006

VI: The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

There was a young woman from Stoke
Who wanted to marry a bloke.
She said to God, "Please,"
God said, "You're a tease!"
And sent her a vodka and coke.

There was a young man from Ephesus
Who wanted to be the next Jesus.
He said to God, "Please,"
God said, "You're a tease!"
And sent him a week of the measles.

There was a giraffe from Peru
Who wanted to meet Dr Who.
It said to God, "Please,"
God said, "You're a tease!"
And sent it to London Zoo.

Don't worry, He has other plans for us!

Sunday, 1 October 2006

V: My One and Only

Do not be shy, O my turtle dove,
For I shall treat you well.
Your face shines more brightly than God above,
Of your beauty no tongue can tell.

Look on my features, created for you,
And your body, fitted to mine.
Our love is so perfect, we need nought else.
We exist outside of time.

O Love, O Love,
Come quickly, come,
And I’ll lay you beside me
Right under the Sun.

Cast off your family, abandon your home
And never go back there again.
For the past is no longer needed, my dear,
It will only cause you pain.

Do not be uncertain, my angel of light,
For I shall provide all you need.
Your doubts will pass once under the covers
Our bodies true love have decreed.

O Love, O Love,
Come quickly, come,
And I’ll lay you beside me
Right under the Sun.

Your skin so soft, your flesh so firm,
I hardly know where I am.
I can’t be responsible for everything, love,
I’m only a mortal man.

Please don’t be angry, do not cry out,
Do not forsake me now.
No I can’t! I still love you – of course I do,
I shall figure out a way how.

O Love, O Love,
Come quickly, come,
And I’ll lay you beside me
Right under the Sun.

It cannot be that I have done wrong.
All I did was to be in love.
Love is so great it cannot be ignored.
I still want you, my turtle dove!

Where are you going to? Where, O where?
I thought you loved me too.
I thought I was your all, your best.
Am I not enough for you?

O Love, O Love,
Come quickly, come,
And I’ll lay you beside me
Right under the Sun.

Now I am alone. My soul is dry.
My judgment no longer seems best.
I thought I knew how the world turned,
I thought I was not like the rest.

O where are you now, my one and only?
My love is reserved for you.
Come to me quickly, wash me clean,
And make me a man anew.

O Lord, O Lord,
Come quickly, come,
And I’ll lay down before you
Right under the Son.