Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Goodbye for a while

Hi there,

you may have noticed that I haven't updated this blog on Sunday. this is because I am pausing Lay Up Treasures for a while. I set off from home five days ago to begin a summer-long backpacking trip around Britain. this means that I've decided, sadly, to leave Lay Up Treasures behind for a time.

It's not all doom and gloom though. if you are interested, you can follow my journey on my brand-new blog:

In the meantime, thanks for everyone's support who has been following Lay Up Treasures. Goodbye and God bless.


Sunday, 13 May 2007

XXXVII: Your love

Your love.
It fits.
Like a glove.

It fills.
Me up.
Like coffee.
In a cup.

O Your love.

It fits.
Like a glove.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

XXXVI: Reassurance

The past is a burden.
‘No it isn’t.’

The present is difficult.
‘No it isn’t.’

The future is scary.
‘No it isn’t.’

No it isn’t.