Sunday, 6 May 2007

XXXVI: Reassurance

The past is a burden.
‘No it isn’t.’

The present is difficult.
‘No it isn’t.’

The future is scary.
‘No it isn’t.’

No it isn’t.


  1. Wonderful simplicity. I think I'd change "difficult" to "impossible." Some situations are difficult, but not impossible.

    Sunday morning my pastor preached on Philippians 4:10-13. That passage fits well with what you've written here.

    I see that you're beginning a tour of Great Britain this month. May the Lord protect you, use you, and build you up in his unique way.

    Meanwhile, I used your poem XXXIV (with credit and a link) in one day's mailing of an e-mail devotional/prayer list at work. Thanks for making your poems available.

  2. Once again, Craig, you challenge me. I tend to think everything is difficult and it colours my view on life and even affects my faith too, if I'm honest. But in a few simple verses, you have challenged me to think about this.
    Thanks for your honesty and these poems that go to the heart
