Sunday 18 February 2007

XXV: Pride comes before a fall

Pride come before a fall.
Or so they say.
But I fell down in a humble mood –
The other day.

I won’t say that I’m modest,
But I wouldn’t say I’m proud.
So how did I fall the other day,
While walking in the crowd?

I didn’t have my head up high.
I didn’t push or shove.
I had my eyes down on my feet,
And my thoughts on the above.

I didn’t meet a stranger’s eye,
Or get in their way.
Yes, I was in a humble mood –
The other day.

I can’t see that I did anything wrong,
And yet I fell.
Perhaps somebody tripped me up.
I couldn’t tell.

I’m not a proud kind of person.
It’s not my vice.
I’m patient, and pleasant, and – well,
I hope quite nice.

Pride comes before a fall.
Or so they say.
But I fell down in a humble mood –
The other day.


  1. Your poems are fresh, worth reading. Thanks. When no poem appeared on the weekend, I was hoping you were OK. Glad you survived your fall, whatever it was.
