Sunday 24 September 2006

IV: The Mountain

There is a mountain not far from here.
It is very tall and it has lots of trees on the side.
Sometimes there is a bit of snow at the top.
A man told me that bears live in caves on the mountain.
I have never seen one but there are lots of caves.
Once a helicopter crashed on the mountain and started
A fire that burnt a lot of the trees.
But most of the trees have grown back now.
There is a stream that flows down the mountain.
It goes past here and sometimes children splash in it.
It is a very strange mountain because there aren’t
Any other mountains for a long way around.
I think that is because of something that happened in the Earth’s crust.
People here work very hard so they don’t have
Much time to climb the mountain.
I think some of them have stopped noticing it is there.
But right now all I want to do is go to the
Top of the mountain and proclaim the glory of the Lord.

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